Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10/28 Albies/shopko

Another slow week at Albies.

If you need laundry soap, arm & hammer is on sale and can get a coupon for $1 off two{, under krazy this week), makes them (b1go)$6.69 less coupon, (if there are doublers for sunday) 2.35 each....stock up????

Soda??? Stock up for the holidays...Pepsi b2g2 $4.99 each, 2.50 each. Coke $5.39 b2g2 2.67 each. Buy min 2.

Fruit Snack Catalina Combos...Krazycoupons

Aquafresh $3.49 use $1.00 coupon..if there are dblers, makes it $1.49

Shopko has Xtra Laundry Soap (35-44lds) 3/$6 limit 3, no rainchecks. $2 each, if your there and they have it, might pick some up. [Thurs-Sat]

Don't get Tricked this week.....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fred Meyers 10/26

Now I'm not a big Freddies shopper...way over priced, but with some of their deals couponing can't miss out.

10/$10 1/2 gallon milks...great for chocolate milk and Whole milk.
2-All Detergents Instore coupon $2.99 +MF $1.00 (use 2) $1.99 EACH
10/$10 Duncan Hines...only got 2 had a $.55/2 cpn $.76 each
5 lean Michaelinas frozen lunches $1/5, .78 at store..makes them .50 each
Bar S hotdogs 10/$10 in store coupon + think I might have used the coupon wrong...learning should have been .50 each. cant remember had my two boys, and Braden decided he had to 'go' while I was checking out and Carkey loaded his drawers at the end. What's a gal to do?

Happy Shopping/Stocking up that pantry.

Albies Doublers and Rebates

Great deals at Albies on a particularly slow albies week. Krazy Coupon Lady has coupon match ups for these

Transaction 1
3 quilted northern Tp $5.49 Used MFC $1 x 3 of them [3-store double coupons]
Makes them $3.49 each.....but to sweeten the deal...real simple has a $5 mail in rebate for a purchase over $15.... use the $5.49 price to get to $15.
(On top of it I had a $10 catalina from my last trip to OOP cost $1.28, plus I'll get $5 in the mail... with out my catalina $11.28...but you'll still get the $5. rebate, so 6.28 after it's all said and done

Transaction 2
Heinz Catalina Deal Spend $15 in Heinz,get a $5 Catalina for your next purchase

2--Ore Ida Bagel Bites $1.99 each, use $1/2 cpn + 1 dblr
2--Ore Ida Fries $3.29 each, use $1.50/2 cpn...wldnt let me use doubler up to $1 restriction
2--Classico Spagetti Sauce $2.49 each, $1/2 cpn + dblr
Plus I had a $3.5 Catalina from a multiple purchase last trip to store.
total OOP to me $7.36, w/o catalina $10.86...but you get a $5 catalina for next time...5.86

Transaction 3 --remember you can only do 3 at a time per Albies rules
10--Yoplait Yogurts $.50/6 +$.75/6 one a day +2dbl cpns
2 keebler cookies 1.99 each, used $1/2 + dble

Total OOP 5.42.

My cart was full and my pocket book still had some cash in it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What does the Coupon REALLY Say?

Need help determining if the coupon is a Multiple or Limited Coupon? See this posting by Frugal Chic that helps define it better:

Celebrating Home

Looking for some Christmas Decorations or Earning Free Items by hosting a party. Visit for wonderful home and holiday decorations.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10/21/09 Albies/D&B Albertsons Ad comes out on Wednesdays

Not much going on at Albies this week. Rumor that there will be Double Coupons in the Sunday Paper...see for more info.

D& B has it's Carhartt Gift Card Promo. $20 card for $100.00 spent in Carhartt Apparel. Additional $10 for every $50 spent. Sale Price 10/21-10/25.

$10-$15 off Select Boots. $10.00 off Bogs. Ivercare Horse Wormer $6.99 not sure if this is a good price or not... Think you can get it cheaper at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I went, I shopped, I saved!!!

Getting into the Groove of this Couponing things. I purchased a coupon Binder from for myself for my birthday and I have already saved over what I spent for it.

I shopped at Albies (Albertsons, 12th & Greenhurst)

6- Fruit Snacks 3 coupons $.50/2
6-Go Gurts Yogurt 3 coupons $.80/2
2- Lindsay Olives $1.00/2
2-Tony's Pizzas $1.00/2
1-Healthy Choice Lunch Entree $2.00/1
2-Treetop Apple Juices $1.00/2

Total Cost $64.93
MFCouons $28.11
Store Double Coupons $3.00
Total OOP $33.82
But I also got $10 + $3.50 $13.50 total to use towards my next store purchase.
So Really $20.32 for all the above!!!! 69% Savings on my trip!

WalGreens: Learned the 12th & Greenhurst Store get's their inventory truck on Thursdays.
2-Ricola Cough Drops Ad Cpn 2/$3
2-Lindsay Olive Ad Cpn $.99 each. Had a mfC $1.00/2 made it $.50 each
1-Bandaids 60 ct ad cpn $.99
2-Sure Antiperp Ad cp 2/$3.00 plus had mfc $1.00/1

Pert was on sale, use Store price 2/$5.00, also have 2 mfc $1.00 each. Makes them $3.00, but get Register Rewards for next store purchase of $2.00. $.50 a bottle. But they were out. Will go back on Thursday.

2 Box of Fruitloops $1.75 store I had $1.00 box, mulitple coupons could be used one per item so got for $.75 a box.

Spent $14.18 (got some other stuff I didn't mention) Savings of $16.00 Over 50%.

Like the old saying "if your not cheating your not trying" My spin on the new one. 'IF your not couponing your not saving'

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fred Meyer Cheese $2.99 for 2# after Coupns

Great Find Neva! Fred Meyers Sunday add has a coupon for Tillamook 2# Cheese for 3.99 combine that with the $1.00 off American Brand cheese coupon from and it's $2.99 10/18-10/24.

Neva C N Said: I went to Fred Meyer today and got the 2lbs of cheese for $2.99 and 2 Tree Top 64oz for $2 with store coupon and manufacturer coupon! I then called my dad and got three more doublers (albies) and got 2 boxes of chewy granola bars(girls love them), two boxes of Healthy Request wheat pasta, and a pouch of tuna for $2.50!!! I actually made money on the tuna! I LOVE THIS!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Elf Cosmetics Free Makeup Kit with purchase

So from FistfulofCoupons I saw the posting on the Free makeup kit, with a purchase, only have to purchase $1.00, and all you pay is shipping. So for $7.95 get a $15 makeup kit and $1.00 Mascara--which I needed any way. I'll let you know when it comes...but for a Christmas gift this is a great deal regardless...we'll see how the quality it...but do teens really care about quality???if your gifting it? Use Promo Code LOYAL in Coupons to get the free Item.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Virgin Trip Couponing with Catalina

Well I did it! After a wonderful Tip from Neva, my journey to being one of those people that actually saves money at the grocery store has begun. I learned some things: Ok so my first run...a little green at it...some things the cashier helped me with....
1. Have your savings card ready, she'll keep it until your all done.
2. Cut your coupons out good, along the lines, so they can slide them in their box, saves time
3. Albies Coorporate says, only three transactions at a if you have to do more, go unload in the car and come back

My tips, because there was a $10 for every $25 in certain products offer...I made a sheet so I know what to put each mistake, one item I calculated at home for $2 each was actually $1.67 each so my total didn't equal $25 so I didn't get my $10...I did get $2.5 for mulitples twice so I'm only downn $5...I'm going to work up a sheet to make sure I'm on track and tracking at the store so this won't happen again. over all. I spent 54.34 and saved 70.52. An my basket was heaping with stuff..yogurt, cereal, stuff we will actually use. Another the coupons close, make sure they are not Limit: One coupon per person, and make sure your item matches the item you have, I got some veggies that were 10oz, but the coupon said 18oz or more. Sounds confusing but once you get the hang of it, it should be a lot easier.

It was nice having the produce print out from Albertsons because I had to run to Winco and Veggies were cheaper there than the onsale price at Albertson. Seems like Costco and Winco are the places to get Veggies.

I put links to FabulouslyFrugal and Fistful of Coupons on the side my personal fav's, plus I am getting in on SwagBucks...look into it to earn things while your doing normal web surfing. If you have a great Idea, or savings post it, we can use this to help each other out!