Getting into the Groove of this Couponing things. I purchased a coupon Binder from for myself for my birthday and I have already saved over what I spent for it.
I shopped at Albies (Albertsons, 12th & Greenhurst)
6- Fruit Snacks 3 coupons $.50/2
6-Go Gurts Yogurt 3 coupons $.80/2
2- Lindsay Olives $1.00/2
2-Tony's Pizzas $1.00/2
1-Healthy Choice Lunch Entree $2.00/1
2-Treetop Apple Juices $1.00/2
Total Cost $64.93
MFCouons $28.11
Store Double Coupons $3.00
Total OOP $33.82
But I also got $10 + $3.50 $13.50 total to use towards my next store purchase.
So Really $20.32 for all the above!!!! 69% Savings on my trip!
WalGreens: Learned the 12th & Greenhurst Store get's their inventory truck on Thursdays.
2-Ricola Cough Drops Ad Cpn 2/$3
2-Lindsay Olive Ad Cpn $.99 each. Had a mfC $1.00/2 made it $.50 each
1-Bandaids 60 ct ad cpn $.99
2-Sure Antiperp Ad cp 2/$3.00 plus had mfc $1.00/1
Pert was on sale, use Store price 2/$5.00, also have 2 mfc $1.00 each. Makes them $3.00, but get Register Rewards for next store purchase of $2.00. $.50 a bottle. But they were out. Will go back on Thursday.
2 Box of Fruitloops $1.75 store I had $1.00 box, mulitple coupons could be used one per item so got for $.75 a box.
Spent $14.18 (got some other stuff I didn't mention) Savings of $16.00 Over 50%.
Like the old saying "if your not cheating your not trying" My spin on the new one. 'IF your not couponing your not saving'