Hey there Chick A Dee's! Crazy things going on there. So I'm visiting my favorite Web site:
http://www.fabulesslyfrugal.com already have the on my side bar, and see a contest they are having and I want to enter! It's a give away for packets of 8 weeks of Inserts! Man could I use these! I just started couponing the middle of October...bought myself a coupon binder for my self for my birthday and it has helped a bunch! But am missing out on things from inserts from before I started. I've also shared my learnings with my friends and Family and now we have more couponers out there. I could really use these insterts! As you guys know I'm a stay at home mom, that retired from her job, (I'm 34) 5 1/2 years ago to be with my kids and take care of my elderly grandmother who had a stroke. It broke my heart to see her in the nursing home so brought her to live with our crazy clan. I'm blessed with a very loving hubby and 3 kiddos, 9/4/3, so you can imagine our grocery bills are not small. We've managed to make it work, but I wanted a way to make it work....a little better. I heard about the great deals couponing helped people but could never make it work. Thanks to a friend Neva, she turned us all on to this great way of life, and now my friends and I are Saving the bank! I'm getting my pantry filled..and am blogging about it on the way to help my friends save too. We kinda have our own little network, letting each other know what's happening where, and keep an eye out for stuff our buddiesa can use. Anyway, this is my entry! Fabulessly Frugal Ladys, thank you for helping me!